Sheshan Telescope (25m)
The Sheshan VLBI station is hosted by the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The telescope was built in 1986 and put in full VLBI observation as well as working on six centimeter wavelengths. A 25-meter radio telescope is in operation at 1.3, 3.6/13, 5, 6 and 18cm wavelengths. A new 6.7 GHz receiver with dual circular polarizations was available since 2010 which worked under room temperature. The VLBI terminal at Sheshan Station includes an ABBC, MarkIV formatter, Mark5A recorder and a VLBA formatter with a Mark5B recorder. Our independently developed digital backend CDAS with Mark5B+ works well in our lunar observation and our CVN observation.

The telescope is a member of the EVN, IVS and APT. During the past two decades, the telescope keeps active in international VLBI observation and research domain. We have set up a new fiber connection from Shanghai to Jive. We attended 512Mbps e-VLBI observations organized by the EVN. Sheshan radio telescope attended the 33-hour continuous ’marathon’ e-VLBI observation which lively demonstrated in the opening ceremony of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 in Paris, on Jan. 15-16, 2009. Sheshan radio telescope also attended in the e-VLBI observation of a part of the ’100 Hour of Astronomy’ on Apr. 3-5, 2009.
In recent years, the telescope takes part in deep space exploration projects such as Chinese Lunar (Chang’E) Project. Shanghai Sheshan 25m Telescope takes part in Chinese Chang’E Project, along with other three VLBI stations in Beijing, Kunming and Urumqi to monitor and determine the satellite orbit during its moving towards the moon.